

Denise Nyberg, Public Relations
Sara Sällberg, Strategic Communication
Lamin Ceesay, Public Relations
Victor Lindkvist, Art Director
Sanna Gustavsson, Digital Strateg
Nathalie Blücher, Digital Creative
Mikaela Sandström, Communication Design


Social media and advertising can cause mental illness, especially among young people. Our task was to provide a solution for how to make advertisers take responsibility for and counteract this in their communication. We received the brief from Sveriges Annonsörer, an association for advertisers who help their members work responsible with their brands.


Sveriges Annonsörer organize the ”100-Wattaren” competition to reward communication that has measured great effects. We introduce a new category, ”100-Fattaren”, that measure the effect of taking responsibility for what reality we are forming. The award goes to the company whose campaigns counteracts skewed beauty standards and stereotypes.

For the 100-Fattaren award, we created guidelines that work as criteria on which the competitors are judged by. The campaign/company who follows them the best wins. We want to help the industry to remind themselves of the importance of not contributing to the spread of mental illness, and to counteract the spread of skewed beauty standards, stereotypes and inaccurate representation of people based on gender, ethnicity and life stories.

In April 2018, Sveriges Annonsörer decided that the new category 100-Fattaren will be reality in the 100-Wattaren competition later this year.